Shorten URL



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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is a URL shortener?

A URL shortener is a service that takes a long URL and turns it into a short URL. This is useful for sharing links on social media, in emails, or in any other place where space is limited.

How does a URL shortener work?

A URL shortener works by taking a long URL and creating a unique short URL that redirects to the original long URL. When someone clicks on the short URL, they are redirected to the original long URL.

Why would I want to use a URL shortener?

There are many reasons why you might want to use a URL shortener. For example, if you are sharing a link on social media, you might want to use a URL shortener to make the link more visually appealing and easier to share.

Are there any downsides to using a URL shortener?

There are a few potential downsides to using a URL shortener. For example, some people are wary of clicking on short URLs because they don't know where the link will take them.

How do I use a URL shortener?

To use a URL shortener, simply enter the long URL that you want to shorten into the URL shortener's website, and it will generate a short URL for you to use.

What are some popular URL shorteners?

There are many popular URL shorteners, including Bitly, TinyURL, and However, there are also many free URL shorteners available, such as and

Are there any free URL shorteners?

Yes, there are many free URL shorteners available, such as and These services allow you to shorten URLs for free, without having to sign up for an account or pay any fees.

Is there a limit to how many URLs I can shorten?

There is no limit to how many URLs you can shorten using a URL shortener. You can shorten as many URLs as you like, for free.

How long does a shortened URL last?

By default shortened URLs last for 3 years. You can also set a custom expiration date. For longer or shorter expiration date, you can set the expiration date in days, months, or years.

How do I set an expiration date for a shortened URL?

Click on the 'Settings' button to set an expiration date for a shortened URL. You can set the expiration date in days, months, or years. By default, shortened URLs last for 3 years.

How can I contact you?

If you have any questions or feedback, you can contact with the email on the "Contact Page". I would love to hear from you!