Smart Word & Character Counter

Transform your text analysis with our intelligent counter tool.
Accurately counts words and characters while smartly handling HTML, extra spaces, and formatting. Perfect for writers, content creators, and professionals.

0 words
0 characters
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
How does this tool work?

This tool counts the number of words and characters in a text. It will ignore extra spaces, HTML tags, and new lines.

What is the purpose of this tool?

This tool is useful for counting the number of words and characters in a text. It can be used to check the length of a text for SEO purposes, or to check the length of a tweet or a blog post.

How do I use this tool?

Simply paste your text into the text area, and the tool will automatically count the number of words and characters in the text.

Can I download the text?

Yes, you can download the text by clicking the " " button. The text will be downloaded as a .txt file.

Use Cases


Check the length of your social media posts


Count words in essays or academic papers


Verify content length for SEO requirements


Measure the length of blog articles


Track writing progress for assignments